Principal Artistic Director - Jenny Mathers

Prior to leading the Chime Choir, Jenny was already a part of the Chime family, acting as Associate Artistic Director for a number of years during both Jayne Turner’s and Marten Visser’s Directorships. Jenny is currently the Director of Music at Korowa Anglican Girls’ School, in Glen Iris, and has had over 30 years of experience in teaching, performing and conducting music in schools and the community.
Jenny completed a Masters of Education, majoring in Choral Conducting, studying with Prof. Rodney Eichenberger and Dr. Andre Thomas at Florida State University. She has regularly taught conducting at the Australian Choral Conductors Education and Training summer schools. Jenny is currently the President of the Victorian and Tasmanian Branch of the Australian National Choral Association (ANCA) and a casual lecturer for the Graduate Education Faculty at Deakin University.
She has conducted multiple award-winning choirs, such as the top choir at State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) Camp for the Young Conservatorium at Griffith University, various ensembles from Southern Voices, and ANCA Honour Choirs. Her musical career has given her international opportunities, including conducting a secondary schools’ Honour Choir in Japan and touring Europe twice as a singing member of Ensemble Gombert. Jenny is passionate about Choirs and conducting, and she is delighted to be able to share her love for inspiring singers particularly now with the wonderful Chime Choir.
Jenny has felt very blessed to have been able to study conducting throughout her career. A series of Summer Schools for ABODA (Australian Band and Orchestral Director’s Association), ACCET (Australian Choral Conductors Education and Training) and ANCA (Australian National Choral Association) led to studying at the Florida State University in 1997. This Masters of Education, majoring in Choral Conducting, saw her immersed in training with both the legendary Professor Rodney Eichenberger and Dr Andre Thomas, and this year of study was undeniably life-changing. Jenny continues to teach choral conducting each year at the ACCET Summer School, and is a member of this committee, as well as currently serving as the President of the Victorian/Tasmanian branch of the ANCA Committee.
Jenny completed a Masters of Education, majoring in Choral Conducting, studying with Prof. Rodney Eichenberger and Dr. Andre Thomas at Florida State University. She has regularly taught conducting at the Australian Choral Conductors Education and Training summer schools. Jenny is currently the President of the Victorian and Tasmanian Branch of the Australian National Choral Association (ANCA) and a casual lecturer for the Graduate Education Faculty at Deakin University.
She has conducted multiple award-winning choirs, such as the top choir at State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) Camp for the Young Conservatorium at Griffith University, various ensembles from Southern Voices, and ANCA Honour Choirs. Her musical career has given her international opportunities, including conducting a secondary schools’ Honour Choir in Japan and touring Europe twice as a singing member of Ensemble Gombert. Jenny is passionate about Choirs and conducting, and she is delighted to be able to share her love for inspiring singers particularly now with the wonderful Chime Choir.
Jenny has felt very blessed to have been able to study conducting throughout her career. A series of Summer Schools for ABODA (Australian Band and Orchestral Director’s Association), ACCET (Australian Choral Conductors Education and Training) and ANCA (Australian National Choral Association) led to studying at the Florida State University in 1997. This Masters of Education, majoring in Choral Conducting, saw her immersed in training with both the legendary Professor Rodney Eichenberger and Dr Andre Thomas, and this year of study was undeniably life-changing. Jenny continues to teach choral conducting each year at the ACCET Summer School, and is a member of this committee, as well as currently serving as the President of the Victorian/Tasmanian branch of the ANCA Committee.